Extend Your Workflow & Gameplay through MSI Duet Display

Duet Display is a function that’s integrated in MSI Center. By connecting to MSI Laptops, it can turn your iOS devices into a second display, and be twice as productive whether at your desk or outside.

GDGTME Team  •  November 17, 2021

Extend Your Workflow & Gameplay through MSI Duet Display

Duet Display is a function that’s integrated in MSI Center. By connecting to MSI Laptops, it can turn your iOS devices into a second display, and be twice as productive whether at your desk or outside. Through Duet Display, you could enjoy the external display by using your iPad, and save the effort for buying a pricy and space-occupying monitor. For gamers, Duet Display is designed for those who needs to zoom-in on the information or for who needs second display while gaming. Duet Display includes 3 different modes—Screen Extension, Screen Mirroring, and Capture Screen, which will be explained by following article.

Download Duet Display

Step1. Launch your MSI Center and download “Duet Display” from feature set.

Span Your Gameplay through MSI Duet Display

Step2. Click “Features” and choose “Duet Display” and scan the QR code, then download the Duet Coach App on your iOS Devices.

Span Your Gameplay through MSI Duet Display

The functions of Duet Display

  1. Screen Extension

You could extend your screen to iPad. This way, you are able to search through information, chat, or stream through your iPad just by hovering your mouse.

Span Your Gameplay through MSI Duet Display
MSI Duet Display

2. Screen Mirroring

You will get a mirrored screen on your iPad, which enables you to share the screen to your friend, or even play the game together by using both laptop and iPad. In addition, you could also zoom-in on the screen through iPad if the information on the laptop screen is too small.

Span Your Gameplay through MSI Duet Display

3. Capture Screen

You can capture part of the gameplay, which will be projected to the second monitor. The screen could be showing important information such as map, weapon, or score, depending on your need, which enables you to see those info at a larger size.

Span Your Gameplay through MSI Duet Display

Now you can find Duet Display in MSI gaming laptops GE Raider and GS Stealth series and enjoy the game through Duet Display!

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