As you all know the PGA Tour 2k games started in 2014 as “The Golf Club” developed by HB Studios for Microsoft Windows. Until today they are developing their games to be more interactive and player-friendly in terms of experience and graphics, recently they released their new version called PGA Tour 2K23.
PGA Tour 2K23 offers enhanced gameplay mechanics in terms of shot mechanisms, ball physics and swing timing. It is also more interactive in terms of giving you even more options to choose your player look, and even you can choose different wedges of the golf in order to achieve the goals of each game.
The best thing in this version is the online where you can play with other players different games like, ‘Divot Derby’ where you have to race who can reach the hole faster with player elimiation being the really fun part. Other gameplay modes include Quick Match, High Rollers, Head to Gead, Teams 2 vs 2 and Wagers.

The first time you log into the game, the overall menus have been changed totally between 2K21 & 2K23. It’s a lot more colorful for one but there’s a lot more well-represented information and I do like what they’ve done to kind of immerse yourself. So, I think you did a really good job just on the overall upgrades.
In terms of graphics, It may look like oh there’s not really anything different but when you actually sit down and compare there are quite a few differences compared to last year’s game. Advancing through game makes it evident that there is a very big change.

The difference in graphics is quite noticeable. PGA Tour 2K23 runs at 1080p at 60fps on current generation consoles, while it runs at 4K Ultra HD at 60fps on next-gen consoles, making the second generation a much more accurate representation of players and fields.
The soundtrack is standard country club elevator music. The announcers do a decent job, but they have an awkward way of speaking to you and then talking about you. A great mechanic for a golf-sim, but the presentation and lack of a “fun” mode can be boring.

PGA Tour 2K23 is more than your standard annual sports release, with tweaks here and there. It’s a two-year project with lots of star power and new features. HB Studios has clearly gone back to the drawing board with this game and found new ways to make 2K’s golf franchise even more competitive and vibrant. Its realism and immersion easily mask some of its weaker moments, making this one of his best sports games and making you want to ride the birdie train.